
Megan felt her jaw drop in sheer shock. Incredulity blanked her mind for several seconds. Her heart rocketed around her chest in some stupid manic excitement until the words that had preceded Johnny’s proposal hit home, firing up a surge of anger that lifted her right out of her father’s chair to hurl a furious rejection at him. ‘You think I’d marry you for your money?’ She didn’t wait for a reply, so totally incensed by the suggestion, she flew straight into attack. ‘How dare you lump me with the kind of women who hang off you for what you can give them?’ Her arms scissored a dismissal of absolute disgust. ‘Which just goes to prove how tainted your thinking is by the life you lead. Buy a woman here. Buy a woman there. Have one in every port of call.’ Her mocking hands landed on her hips, planting themselves there in a belligerent flaun